Artistology Creativology Friday Blog 47

Hello! Good Afternoon! Welcome to my Artistology Creativology Friday weekly blog. Check out my ArtistolgyCreativlgy Esty Store by clicking on the store banner on my Artistology Creativology website. Check out my social media links. Come back every Friday for my weekly Friday blog on my website. Sign up for my Artistology Creativology mailing list on my website to be kept updated. You find the sign-up link at the bottom of my webpage. Check out my Artistology Creativology YouTube Channel, and subscribe to my Aristology Creativology channel. Thanks to my subscribers on my channel. The link to my YouTube channel is on my website as well. Every Friday, a new video is uploaded to my Artistology Creativology Channel. Here is my latest Artistology Creativology YouTube channel video that I uploaded today.

Diamond Shaped Abstract Drawing

I’ve been working on some writing. I will be working on getting another canvas painted. Plus getting another canvas varnished to seal coat the acrylic paint. Plus need to prime a couple more canvases to get them ready to paint. Take old music cds and decorate them and then take string so you can hang up the music cds. Make a unique windchime with the music cds. Wind chimes are fun to make and you can create one with some of your favorite things. Take a clear vase and put rocks or even marbles inside with some decoration to make a unique flower vase. You can even a vase paint and then glue decorations on it. Take a pottery class. It’s never too late to learn to play a musical instrument. Find a hobby that you would like to do. Life is so short. Live life the best you can and to the fullest. Never give up on your dreams of things you want to do in life. Always be you. Have a great weekend. Happy Friday!


Artistology Creativology Friday Blog 48


Artistology Creativology Friday Blog 46